Dream Number for Khanapara Teer

Dream SymbolDirect NumbersHouseEnding
Seeing water07, 21, 7821
Seeing fire08, 19, 9009
Seeing a dead person09, 40, 5440
Attending a wedding13, 62, 8962
Seeing snakes17, 27, 8987
Eating food01, 34, 7575
Seeing a cow04, 4848
Seeing a dog05, 12, 3414
Traveling in a vehicle08, 23, 46, 5956
Playing soccer11, 24, 6024
Seeing an elephant00, 14, 9393
Falling from height03, 17, 9010
Losing money34, 56, 8282
Finding money05, 37, 8030
Climbing a hill10, 45, 7878
Catching fish09, 12, 6767
Seeing birds11, 34, 5555
Seeing a cat02, 49, 6646
Seeing a horse01, 16, 3838
Cooking food23, 45, 6767
Seeing a ghost12, 52, 8484
Losing a tooth24, 48, 7676
Seeing flowers04, 32, 8636
Seeing a gun01, 19, 8717
Seeing a baby10, 20, 9090
Finding jewelry05, 39, 4434
Seeing a river07, 18, 4646
Seeing a teacher08, 28, 7474
Being chased03, 19, 7979
Reading a book01, 29, 5757
Seeing a doctor03, 21, 6666
Seeing a king09, 45, 8888
Seeing a queen02, 14, 6969
Seeing a police officer07, 55, 9858
Losing a fight04, 18, 4747
Winning a lottery06, 33, 8585
Seeing a festival12, 58, 9151
Seeing a temple03, 29, 7777
Seeing a church05, 39, 8080
Seeing a mosque06, 24, 6868
Hearing music02, 17, 5959
Hearing music02, 17, 5959
Seeing a butterfly04, 33, 9292
Seeing a spider10, 50, 8989
Walking in the park03, 25, 7878
Swimming in the ocean06, 14, 4646
Losing a ring08, 17, 7777
Finding a watch01, 29, 8585
Breaking glasses19, 44, 8686
Buying a house05, 23, 9090
Selling a car02, 28, 7474
Painting a room07, 39, 8888
Flying in a plane08, 36, 9999
Seeing a comet05, 33, 8181
Falling into a hole01, 11, 6767
Missing a train04, 22, 7878
Watching a movie09, 27, 7676
Repairing a bicycle05, 18, 5656
Washing clothes02, 41, 9090
Baking a cake03, 24, 8989
Lighting a candle12, 37, 8585
Planting a tree01, 30, 7979
Losing a wallet04, 32, 8787
Finding a key06, 38, 9292
Watching the sunset07, 25, 6363
Having a nightmare09, 48, 8888
Seeing a rainbow10, 55, 9595
Getting a haircut02, 17, 8686
Seeing a dentist03, 29, 7878
Breaking a mirror01, 39, 9090
Receiving a gift04, 44, 9494
Losing a shoe05, 36, 8989
Finding a glove06, 33, 8585
Seeing a clown07, 21, 7171
Watching a circus08, 58, 9898
Hearing a siren09, 47, 8787
Attending a funeral10, 20, 8080
Seeing an accident11, 29, 7979
Getting an award12, 32, 8282
Riding a horse13, 31, 9191
Climbing a mountain14, 34, 7474

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